Wednesday, November 16, 2016

SooS Army gets Rekt in Battle of CancOlot Field!

Live Action Photo Taken by on-Site SaaS Online News Reporters

SooS Army gets fookin molested by the grand motherlicken might of the SaaS Army!

The SooS Retreat back while being shot by Ass Blasters!

The SooS thought they could try and get a foothold in the CancOlot region of the realm, but the SaaS army brought in the Big Boi Siege SaaSes and blasted their fookin shit. The SaaS suffered minor losses under the fire support of the Siege SaaS and the SooS lost a crap ton before retreating back to the fookin SooSy Forest where they belong m8. The amount of Ear raep and screaming was insane quote:" It was like a passenger of shit live performance! " says a bystander. Well anyway we celebrate the brave SaaS Army for standing to the those damn SooS and slapping their shit. Also anyone who wishes to come eat the SooS remains, come on down there is plenty to eat here!

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