Thursday, March 9, 2017

Aushtin Appears in cancer realm once more!

The fooks portal appeared in the Cancerous wastes.

Aushtin returns to realm with army of Luvabois!

What does this mean for the realms female population?


As of late the Aushtin has returned to the realm from a portal, but he was not alone. He brought a horde of his fookin spawns called "luvabois" . Now the realm has experienced one luvaboi and we already know how badly they want a "SaaSy baby" to kidnap and commit high impact sexual violence with. As you may fookin tell, Aushtin and his bois are considered RCBs (Random cancer beasts) and Lord Chrish demands these little shiets stay away from his motherlicken harem or face ass blasters! Already the luvabois have been looking for females to call their "own" while the rest fap to hentai in a giant circle in the wastes (wait, wot the fuck? who does that?). However the realm is relatively short on "Human females" that the luvabois want to have and cancers don't even have genders lol. Well make sure to lock your doors when you hear a pack of luvabois singing MTC very loudly as they search for females, or they may raep your door down and steal your hentai! 
 Don't let this happen to your SaaS hut, buy a Anti-RCB stick today and slap them on their fookin dics!

Update: Aushtin himself is in a lesser form at the moment but we think he will change form to something bigger and more cancerous eventually.

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