Sunday, September 17, 2017

SooS found to be crossbreeding with RCBs?

Artist's Interpretation

SooS found to be crossbreeding with fookin RCBs in a disturbing display of cancerous behavior!

Have the SooS hit a new low?

As of late SaaS scouts have found a strange creature that look like a cross between a Jib Jar and your average SooS. But the shocking thing was that they were found with SooS, which entails that the SooS have been crossbreeding with fookin RCBs. Wow that's pretty fookin nasty m8. So right now the SooS command are silent on the issue but some think they did this either to somehow add effectiveness to their army or just because they are sick fucks. As we all know RCBs are the pinnacle of wild cancer in the realm and to make a hybrid with one is just wrong for any self respecting Realm species to do. Now how they made this hybrid, most are saying it was grown in a lab or something because nothing survives a Jib jar raep m8.

Dale has commented on the creature as a "motherlicken nasty piece of shiet that needs to be flushed down the toilet boi" and most of the SaaS populace agree that the SooS are hitting a new low. 

So now we asked a few SooS civilians in Tommy Dickson's book store about the issue.

Are you aware your fellow SooS have been creating a SooS-Jib Jar hybrid for some reason?
  • Um no m8 I'm just here for Tommy's books
  • No but dat sounds disturbing 
  • Wot why?
  • Ehhh?
  • "Intense squealing" 
  • Yes I heard that the SooS army was trying some new sheit
So as you can see for the most part not even the SooS populace are aware of the act. The SooS army has shown that they really are on a new low in the war.

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